Cannot access EODATA on WEkEO Elasticity

If you have problems with access to EODATA, try to do the following:

Install arping and net-tools

in CentOS:

sudo yum install arping net-tools

in Ubuntu:

sudo apt install arping net-tools

Perform arping

Check the name of the interface connected to the eodata network:


Based on the response, find the number of the interface of 10.111.x.x (eth<number> or ens<number>).

After that run the following commands:

in CentOS:

sudo arping -U -c 2 -I eth<number> $(ip -4 a show dev eth1 | sed -n 's/.*inet \([0-9\.]\+\).*/\1/p')

in Ubuntu:

sudo arping -U -c 2 -I ens<number> $(ip -4 a show dev ens4 | sed -n 's/.*inet \([0-9\.]\+\).*/\1/p')

Next, ping again. If you receive answers, remount the resource:

sudo umount -lf /eodata

sudo mount /eodata

In the instances created after March 14, 2020, the /eodata folder is mounted automatically after adding the “eodata” network to your VM.

The /eodata mount runs as a service and can be restarted by executing the command:

sudo systemctl restart eodata.mount

and status can be checked by executing:

sudo systemctl status eodata.mount

In the instances created before March 14, 2020, /eodata is mounted using the /etc/fstab file and can be remounted by executing commands below:

sudo umount -lf /eodata
sudo mount /eodata

In Windows

Run CMD (Command Prompt) with administrator privileges.

Open START menu and type CMD. Right click on the top result and select Run as Administrator.


route add

and confirm by pressing Enter.


Then run script “mount_eodata” from desktop.
