How to use Object Storage on WEkEO Elasticity

Object storage on WEkEO Elasticity WAW3-1 cloud can be used to store your files in containers. In this article, you will create a basic container and perform basic operations on it, using a web browser.

What We Are Going To Cover

  • Create a new object storage container

  • Viewing the container

  • Creating a new folder

  • Navigating through folders

  • Uploading a file

  • Deleting files and folders from a container

  • Enabling or disabling public access to object storage containers

  • Using a public link


No. 1 Account

You need a WEkEO Elasticity hosting account with access to the Horizon interface:

Creating a new object storage container

Login to the Horizon dashboard. Navigate to the following section: Object Store > Containers.

You should see a list of object storage containers. By default, it will be empty:


To create a new object storage container, click the new-container button. You should get the following form:


Enter the name of your choice for that container in the Container Name text field.

In general, bucket names should follow domain name constraints:


Bucket names must be unique.

Bucket names cannot be formatted as IP address.

Bucket names can be between 3 and 63 characters long.

Bucket names must not contain uppercase characters or underscores.

Bucket names must start with a lowercase letter or number.

Bucket names must be a series of one or more labels. Adjacent labels are separated by a single period (.). Bucket names can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Each label must start and end with a lowercase letter or a number.

Bucket name cannot contain forward slashes (/).


Single-tenancy vs. multi-tenancy

On CREODIAS WAW3-1, WAW3-2 and FRA1-2 clouds, single tenancy is enabled. This means that two object storage containers on it cannot have an identical name. Avoid using common names such as storage or files.

On the other hand, on CF2 cloud, multi tenancy is enabled and there can be multiple buckets under the same name on the cloud, provided they are within different projects.

In this example, we will use the name file-container for our object storage container. Of course, your name should be different.

Section Container Access has two options:


It will generate a link. Anyone who has it will be able to access files stored on that object storage container, even if not being a member of WEkEO Elasticity WAW3-1 cloud.

Not Public

This will not generate a link explained above. The container will only be available from within your project unless you set a bucket sharing policy (not covered in this article).

Click on Submit and see new container in the list:


You may encounter the following error:


The reason for it might be that you are trying to create an object storage container which has the same name as another container. Try using a different name.

Viewing the container

To view the content of the container, click its name on the list:


You should see files in the container. Initially, it should be empty. You can now create folders and upload files to this container.

Creating a new folder

To create a new folder, click button: new-folder. You should get the following form:


Enter the name for your folder in Folder Name text field. If you use a forward slash, it will create a tree of folders. For example, if you wish to create a folder called place1 and inside that folder another folder called place2, enter the following:


Adding forward slash in the beginning of such directory structure is optional. The folders will be created relative to the directory you are currently in and not to the root directory of your object storage container.

Click Create Folder to confirm.

Uploading a file

To upload a file to your object storage container, click the upload-file button. You should get the following window:


Click Browse… to open the file browser which can be used to choose a file which you wish to upload. Its look will vary depending on the operating system you are using and other factors.

Once you have chosen the file, its name should be written in the File section, for example:


You can enter the name and location of the file in your object storage container in the File Name text field. This allows you to rename the file which you are uploading and to put it into a different folder. Forward slashes are used to specify the location of your object storage container in folder hierarchy relative to the folder you are currently in. If you enter a name of a folder which does not exist yet, it will be created.

If you do not enter anything into File Name text field, the file will be uploaded to the folder you are currently in and it will not be renamed.

Once you’re ready, click Upload File. If the upload was successful, you should receive this confirmation:


For example, let’s assume that you are in the root directory of your object storage container and you want to upload a file called uploaded-file.txt to the directory called first-folder located there. If that is the case, you should enter the following in the File Name text field:


Your file should then be uploaded to that directory:



Having two files or two folders of the same name in the same directory is impossible. Having a file and folder under the same name in the same directory (extension is considered part of the name here) may lead to problems so it is best to avoid it.

Deleting files and folders from a container

Deleting one file

To delete a file from container, open the drop-down menu next to the Download button.


Click Delete.

You should get the following request for confirmation:


Click Delete to confirm. Your file should be deleted.

Deleting one folder

If you want to delete a folder and its contents, click the delete-folder button next to it. You should get the similar request for confirmation as previously. Like before, click Delete to confirm.

Deleting multiple files and/or folders

If you want to delete multiple files and/or folders at the same time, use checkboxes on the left of the list to select the ones you want to remove, for example:


You can also select all files and folders on a page by clicking the checkbox above the folders:


To delete selected items, click the delete-selected button to the right of the button used to create new folders. In this case you should also get the similar request for confirmation. Click Delete to confirm.

Working with public object storage containers

Enabling or disabling public access to object storage containers

During the creation of your object storage container you had an option to set whether it should be accessible by the public or not. If you wish to change that setting later, first find the name of the container you wish to modify in the container list.

The details about that object storage container should appear like on the screenshot below – if not, click on its name to make it appear:


Check or uncheck the Public Access checkbox depending on whether you wish to enable or disable such access.

If you enabled Public Access, a link to your object storage container will be provided.

What To Do Next

Now that you have created your object storage container you can mount it on the platform of your choice for easier access. There are many ways to do that, for instance: